That last post, eh? What a doozy, made me almost shed a tear for the past me, and I'll be honest everything I have written so far has been straight from the heart. All of this at the time I wanted to die with me but I began to realize that it would be very selfish of me to retain what little knowledge I have. I mean, I'm not saying I'm a higher being or whatever, but I have experienced things that some of you may not have, or did. I just want to show you all how it is through my eyes and how choices, no matter how little, can affect the entirety of your life. Sometimes we make bad decisions and follow through with them only to face failure, but it is when you accept failure that you actually begin to follow the path to success. Everyone goes through ruts, a time and phase where everything around you comes to a stop. Where your life is in question and nothing makes sense anymore. There are those who will help you and those who will gradually bring you down, without remorse. Only when you accept your rut, and then begin to think of ways to get out, will you find happiness. Whether it be a loss of a loved one, breakup, got fired, bullied or whatever. Fear even. It's all the same when it comes to depression, life just sucks. Letting depression get the best of you, like it did me, is not the best choice. I've been to places that men only have nightmares of. I've seen things that would instill fear in the bravest of people. That is all part of life, and I chose all these paths. I do not regret a single thing however, because it is when I accepted all this that I began to see my true purpose in life.