Another relationship topic with yours truly. This time, it'll be a little more in depth but subtle, with a hint of vanilla. It's something that ticks me off sometimes, when I see couples flaunt themselves all over the place. Love is a great thing to experience, and its unlike anything you've ever had. That's why you're not in love and you just find the other person attractive enough to have sex with. Which is fine. But don't put pictures of yourselves sucking each others faces on your social sites, expecting people to really mean it when they comment something like, " U GUYZ R SO CUTE LOL!" Really, they're saying, " OMG I WISH I WUZ HER!" Jealousy is a bitch, and it strikes even the most retarded of us. Becoming jealous of a petty relationship is even more stupid. If you were really in love, you wouldn't need to post it everywhere letting the world to know. You're not Romeo and your girlfriend looks like James Blunt, may he rest in peace (I'm off to kill him now). Honestly though, you should share everything with your partner, down to the last timbit, but when it comes to exploitation, you look like a jerk. No one gives a shit if you met with your boyfriend and he bought you a flower. He probably did something bad because he couldn't afford a dozen.