Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Love Bug - Why it will give you cancer and take your lunch money.

Another relationship topic with yours truly. This time, it'll be a little more in depth but subtle, with a hint of vanilla. It's something that ticks me off sometimes, when I see couples flaunt themselves all over the place. Love is a great thing to experience, and its unlike anything you've ever had. That's why you're not in love and you just find the other person attractive enough to have sex with. Which is fine. But don't put pictures of yourselves sucking each others faces on your social sites, expecting people to really mean it when they comment something like, " U GUYZ R SO CUTE LOL!" Really, they're saying, " OMG I WISH I WUZ HER!" Jealousy is a bitch, and it strikes even the most retarded of us. Becoming jealous of a petty relationship is even more stupid. If you were really in love, you wouldn't need to post it everywhere letting the world to know. You're not Romeo and your girlfriend looks like James Blunt, may he rest in peace (I'm off to kill him now). Honestly though, you should share everything with your partner, down to the last timbit, but when it comes to exploitation, you look like a jerk. No one gives a shit if you met with your boyfriend and he bought you a flower. He probably did something bad because he couldn't afford a dozen.

I didn't write the book on relationships or love for that matter, but it's clear as day when something is just bullshit. For instance, you and your partner go out with a bunch of friends. Its your first time introducing them to him/her. Your friends begin to converse, but your partner wants to get out and be alone with you to spend time together. S/he wants that time for yourselves, so you agree and tell your friends you gotta go. When you're alone, you guys have meaningless sex and say 'I love you' over and over. It becomes habit, and then it becomes second nature. You begin to say 'I love you' in public and smile while doing so. Your boyfriend/girlfriend tells you a month or two later that they want time apart. You thought it was love. You try to end your life. Then you realize that you're a stupid cunt and you're only 15. Several days later you see your ex with someone else, doing exactly what they did with you. You begin to feel jealousy. You then kill yourself finally and rid this world of another dumbass. Fin.

If you didn't get where I was going, teenagers are retards. Dumb, stupid and silly. I was one too but I was also none of the above. I didn't have a girlfriend because I was a shy bastard. All I did was skip class, party and listen to metal. And grow my hair. That was a past-time yes. Only near the end of high school is when I started to pursue a love life, and ended up with many failures. Working at a movie theater had its bonuses besides free movies. I had many week long relationships, one even lasting a month. All of them, at the time, I thought were awesome. Who wouldn't want to make out in a theater during work? Regardless, I never had a serious relationship, and I wanted to keep it that way. I wasn't ready for that sort of thing, and seeing my friends around me who were in them, I was kind of happy I was single. Wrong. I hated being single. Sure, I knew people who were whipped since grade 9, and called it love. Looking at them now, they're miserable as fuck. Some got married, good for them. I can't say what they chose for themselves was the smartest thing ever, but it's not my life and I couldn't care less.

I sound bitter I know, I'm not dogging love. I'm saying that people are misusing the term because they're infatuated. They like the feeling of being wanted, to get that call late at night. To send texts to each other during the day, to go over their house and play doctor naked. All of those are cool, but it doesn't describe love. I'll tell you what love is, in my terms. Love is when you guys argue like fuck, and then have angry sex. Love is when she watches you playing your games, and doesn't interfere, mainly because women usually suck at video games. Love is when you get something that's actually meaningful as a present and not some shitty ass picture of the two of you. Love is when your family is cool with your partner and actually wants to see them more than you. Love is when you can just hang out, and it doesn't always have to lead into sex, because later on it will anyways. Love is when you lose a loved one, and have sad sex. Love is when you can actually wake up next to the person you want, and not hate yourself for choosing potato salad instead of macaroni. Love is many things, and it's usually not just based off a week of dating.

I've dated and had my heart broken, as many of you know. Boo-hoo. I got over that and moved on, knowing what to expect in a future relationship. I don't know when that will happen, because I don't see any potential girlfriends in sight. Sure I know a lot of pretty women, and some are even willing to date me, but I know what I want and its not you. Not to be a dick, but I'm not one for many of the things others find enjoyable. I hate clubs. I dislike going to fancy restaurants that have chicken on the menu. I don't care about your homework, and I really don't give a shit about why you got into interior design when you used to be a nurse. I hate Jersey Shore and every other 'reality' t.v. show to ever air. I don't like to roam shopping malls like a moron only to watch you try on clothes and not buy them, or wait until I buy it for you. I could go on, but I'm probably limiting myself to 3 women in the entire world. I do however like many things. Like trying out different cuisines and things we never ate. Watching a kick ass movie that we both enjoy and not something like Sex and the City, because you're a girl and apparently all women should watch girly stuff. Dumbass. Sure I'll watch your romance movies, but only when I'm interested. I hated the Notebook and Marley and Me was garbage. All in all, I probably won't find a girlfriend for a long time and that doesn't bother me one bit. Because when I do I know what I'll want and I'm sure she's not going to be a drone, waiting to go home to watch Glee. Ugh.


  1. "I don't care about your homework, and I really don't give a shit about why you got into interior design when you used to be a nurse."

    Jersey Shore I get, clubs I get, but this shows a basic disregard for normal human interaction, and furthermore, people. Not just most people, all of them, even the ones you like. A good friend to anybody, and a man all women are attracted to, spends at least part of his time really listening. Do you ever try to relate to, or understand other people? You probably don't, as you've stated you don't care.

    It seems as though you're saying you don't give a shit about anybody who isn't exactly like you. You want to taste different food? Try tasting people -- actually paying attention to and appreciating differences in your friends and acquaintances. There are ways you can relate to other people that you'll find hard to imagine -- and they don't rely on Facebook-style lists of personal interests.

  2. Who the hell is this Brit Chick? maybe take your head out of your ass and actually read between the lines, oh let me guess your a self proficient brunette who thinks the world is set by one purpose? WOMEN. Go choke on a fucking deep fried mars bar and read into people's thoughts rather then comment on the exterior of what your four eyes are only capable of seeing. This is a story about a man telling the truth of the world and what people like your snob nosed asshole superficial bitch like person sees.

    Comment all you want but in my eyes i see inspiration and drama to the fullest and this could qualify as an exceptional short story/drama.

    I might actually get in contact with you and hear what else your thoughts are.

    Thank you

    J.K R

  3. Who? What? I don't even.....Okay well, maybe you've regarded me as an asshole offhand. Well thank you, because I'm glad that's aside. Secondly, you must not realize but if you had read any other of my posts I have clearly shown who I am as a person and have a high regard for many people. What I meant by any of my 'disregard' in this one, was that people look into little things in their relationship that cause useless arguments and petty fights. People think a relationship is based on what the other person can do for their loved one, or what distance they'll go. No. Fuck that shit, it's about how you can change yourself as a human being and share that change with the other person. If you truly love someone, you'll make sure that you think about yourself first. The only life you're living is yours, and when you forget that, you become weak and open to any sort of wrongdoings. Many people commit their lives for another person, only to be shot down by their own bloody arrow. I've had many different relationships, which I shouldn't really call them that because they've only been different ways to suck someones face. I've given my heart and sacrificed everything to change myself for someone, only to be shut down in the end because of my mistake. I'm not telling anyone to shut themselves down from emotions, or to find a second half that's exactly alike. I'm giving my perception to finding a partner that you'll truly care for, and not just want to have sex with to toss aside later to party with the boys/girls. Sure, my blogs usually consists of demeaning 'morally' wrong statements, but if I don't say it who will? I'm no martyr, but fuck you if you're going to tell me what I can or cannot do. If someone simply reads my blog and reacts negatively towards it, and ultimately shuts me out of their lives, then so be it. They can live their glass shell of a life and eat their food with a silver spoon. Only when you've tasted the dirt from the ground will you be able to understand grounds with me. I'm not talking out of anger, or pure regret, I'm talking with my heart and my mind. I've always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but I'm not a fool when it comes to an invisible relationship. I don't care if anyone follows anything I say, and I really don't care what people do. I'm not out there to help people nor am I out there to change your look on life. I share my thoughts, so you can use your imagination to feel what it is to be me. If that means you think of me as a shallow, disrespecting narcissistic asshole, well, I can't change that now can I?

  4. Hey Bro this is your brother Dany, Very nicely put. This Brit check is some douche that would not know her ass from her face. Go taunt your women rights and bullshit comments to some forum where vagina's are king. And remember the term or word or phrase KING is a male thing. So just cause your not getting any action from your partner or whatever they liked to be called, keep your negative comments for when you never get fucked by that person, I would rather hear a cow mooing 24/7 then to hear your stupid ass comments in a well written blog. Oh and for the record this is the internet if you do not like hearing it then i suggest you go become a hermit. Your name Brit if that is even your real name most commonly stands for a few things, Brit or aka "Brittney" or however the fuck you spell your dirty ass name usually stands for Britagne refugees of British decent into the french town Britagne. Also studies show 82% of Brittany's are usually of obese decent and my conclusion is you think you look good however your a big piggy who can't find a date and prob got stood up for prom, Never liked in high school and has a mediocre job where your the bitch.

  5. Hey JP i was also just reading the comment after Brit's, i don't know but the initials left J.K R is that not J.K Rowling??? WTF??

    LOVE your work if that is really J.K Rowling. Keep them coming i am a huge ass fan!

  6. Oh wait i wanted to add to that douche Brit's comment.

    Here is statement that answers my last response

    "Jersey Shore I get" done deal and proves my statement, your a Jersey Shore fan, which means your a fucking couch potato and have no brain cells. Go play with yourself cause your cat don't want to lick you. You fucking white trash motherfucker!

  7. Hahaha, will you guys calm down. She's just some random chick who probably popped onto my page and read it. Whether she likes it or not doesn't bother me none. The fact that people are backing me up ( very hostile mind you haha), is awesome but don't go too crazy. Also, brother, I've never heard you talk like that you crazy fuck. Calm down and play with the kids, let off some steam. She's also from Australia, so I don't think she's white trash, just misinformed and misguided. She has her way of thinking and I do mine. It's just she felt like my way was wrong so she commented. Until she actually reads any of this, I doubt she's coming back. Also, that's not J.K. Rowling you nerd.
