RELIGION! Haha, sounds scary don't it? Something that stirs up the greatest of troubles over a simple press of a key. I can probably turn many people who actually look forward to reading my blogs, into people who'll create hungry mobs and carry pitchforks and such. I'm not going to praise anything in this post, nor will I bash whatever faith you believe in. I'm not atheist, to set things clear. Nor do I just believe things will happen by the will of anything. I guess I'm stuck in my own little world, where faith plays a smaller role than usual. I have it, and always will. I respect the way my parents raised me and they never once forced it upon me. I'm grateful for that and its sad that many other families don't have this luxury. Faith should never be forced on anyone. It should be up to the person to believe in what they want to believe. Whether it be nothing, or some spaghetti monster in the sky, it's their faith. I for one, would like to delve a little deeper in this extremely taboo subject, only because it piques an exquisite interest of mine, which is belief and knowledge. I'm not scientist, or scholar, nor do I have the wisdom to pass down judgment of any kind. I just like to see things through different perspectives, and taste a little from each side.
One thing's for sure, them Muslims got it tough. I mean the whole world does, but shit, 72 virgins for being a martyr. Oh right, I said I wouldn't bash. My bad haha. Really though, it's things like this that push extremist faiths onto the normal people. It's what makes us say, " See, all those Muslims are crazy!" Which you and I both know, is completely false. I've met people from almost every religion or faith. I'm sure there are tons out there yet to be met, but as far as I know, very few have been uninviting. Almost none really. It's because they don't let their faith run their lives. And that's what true faith is. It's belief in oneself to achieve whatever they can with the will power they were given by some upper being. Now, I can contradict everything I said with something else which is that I do not believe that there is someone or something controlling my life. That's what separates me from my fellow believers. I live my life the way I see fit. What is wrong for some, can be right for me and vice versa. There is no one that can tell me otherwise because like I've said, it's my life.
I know there are times where faith is put to use more so than usual. For instance when someone dies. People who say they are of great faith, but never practice, succumb to guilt and begin to pray with all their hearts. It seems noble enough, but it's foolish. If there is a god, what makes you think that he'll like the fact that you only want him when you need him most. Sure, we're told that our beliefs are based on a compassionate being set aside from human emotions or troubles. But you gotta ask yourself, would it be fair for someone with great power to only be believed in because someone lost something so close? I mean, it just doesn't make sense. If you always believed in your faith, why the hell did you stop, only to become an avid follower when something bad happens? It makes you look weak as a person, and extremely influential. I could say I was the second coming, and people would believe me. That's what faith does to some who use it foolishly. To some, religion is a past-time, something they can fall back on. Others treat it as second nature, following every belief. Then there are those who despise all faiths and practices, calling believers fools for doing what they won't.
That's where the line should be drawn. I understand freedom of speech. I understand that people need the right to express themselves. But telling others what they believe in is wrong, should never be said. Respect is something thrown around and never usually in the same category as religion. Why? Because people are afraid of accepting change. They don't like the fact that there is a possibility that they believe in something different, and it may be the other person that is right. No one knows, therefore it should be left a mystery. We should choose our own beliefs and stick to them. Nothing anyone will say should change that. I believe in my own power to change what I can or can't do. I don't let anything sway me from my choices, and if they are mistakes, I learn from them. Sure, I have my moments where I pray, and there are times I go to church with my parents. I can't say I'm an avid follower of Christianity/Catholicism. I've also been one to succumb to split second belief where I would use prayer to ease something, which isn't right. But it is human.
Just to put it out there, live your life without worry or regret. Mistakes will be made, and choices should never be put in a negative light. It's who you are as a person, and no faith or religion will change that. Don't ever exploit it or try to impress, because it only makes you a fool. I do not believe that one should be grateful for they accomplishes because they think someone higher up gave them the power. You did it yourself. Start thinking for yourself. Don't be held down by religion. Embrace it, and if you choose to believe in something, then make sure you keep it close to your heart. No one cares what you do with your faith, only you. Trying to change someones life in order to 'fulfill the will of god' is a load of crap. People don't need miracles, they need each other. When the time comes whenever you are in a pressing matter, don't rely on faith to drive you, but yourself. Only you can change yourself, and only you can become what you want to be. Don't listen to extreme preachers or that whole tv healing bullshit. The only miracles that can be done, are by those who truly give life, like moms. That's a whole different ball game.
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