RELIGION! Haha, sounds scary don't it? Something that stirs up the greatest of troubles over a simple press of a key. I can probably turn many people who actually look forward to reading my blogs, into people who'll create hungry mobs and carry pitchforks and such. I'm not going to praise anything in this post, nor will I bash whatever faith you believe in. I'm not atheist, to set things clear. Nor do I just believe things will happen by the will of anything. I guess I'm stuck in my own little world, where faith plays a smaller role than usual. I have it, and always will. I respect the way my parents raised me and they never once forced it upon me. I'm grateful for that and its sad that many other families don't have this luxury. Faith should never be forced on anyone. It should be up to the person to believe in what they want to believe. Whether it be nothing, or some spaghetti monster in the sky, it's their faith. I for one, would like to delve a little deeper in this extremely taboo subject, only because it piques an exquisite interest of mine, which is belief and knowledge. I'm not scientist, or scholar, nor do I have the wisdom to pass down judgment of any kind. I just like to see things through different perspectives, and taste a little from each side.