Hello world, and welcome to my blog. Where we all waste away our lives reading something that benefits us in no way possible. But hey, we still read it. Even I sometimes go through my insanely long and dreadful blog entries, looking at mistakes, comments and silly things that lead to flashbacks. Often do I see the constant swear word followed by a person. I can see that I seem to be a bitter man. Well, I kind of am, I could say the least. Seeing as I've lead a life full of letdowns and failures, I can easily say there is much more to live for than the present. I could be your typical self-loathing angst ridden teenager, wanting more from the world but never putting any value towards it. I've seen myself in the worst of times, trying to get by with a shred of optimism, and alcohol. I've been through those times where life begins to stroke your balls, making you think all of life's problems will be but a wisp in the night and you will begin anew. Then it takes one of your balls and gives you cancer. But don't stop there, friends. Don't dread the day, live it. Don't wallow in your self-pity, go swim. How I came to these conclusions of glorified optimism? I simply went to a Tim Horton's with some good friends and a stack of cards.