Hello there world! Welcome to my masterpiece comprised of all of my hatred, filth and utter comic experiences. Wherever I may shit, I will shit with pride. Thanks to all of you who read this religiously, you're setting yourself up for fantastic failure. For the others, fuck you and read my mindless blog. I promise it'll make your otherwise uneventful life much more uneventful. Seeing as I'll most likely bash whatever lifestyle you think you lead. Typically, I get responses here and there from brain spazzing fans, who tell me what to write. I would love to share your hatred for 'dumb ass bitches', but because you actually think that's an acceptable terminology, I should fucking kill you. Or when people say, " Write about those stupid chinks who yell." Thanks dick brain, you just named the entire continent of Asia. I truly love you all, especially because you constantly give me inspiration to become a serial killer and go on a mass killing spree. There are tons of you out there who disagree with the plethora of hate that spews from my mouth. To you, open your eyes and brainwash yourself to think like me. Why do I say something so damn cocky? Because I can. And because you're still reading.