Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When life gives you lemons, use a laser gun and shoot the zombie in the fucking balls.

I freaking LOVE video games. It's the next step for me from cooking. My other half. If I could turn a video game into a delectable pastry, I would. Then I would induce vomiting and proceed to playing said video game. I think sometimes, when I lose all will to do anything else, I just pop in a VG and just go at it like a rabid horse. It's just as if I was reading a gripping novel, or violating a catholic nun. I didn't do the latter, but that got your attention didn't it? You sick bastards. As I usually say, I need to cook. It's my life and passion, my getaway, my mecca. Video games are like my mistress. When I feel bored of cooking ( yeah it happens to all of us, don't gasp), I simply turn my TV on and shoot me some Nazis. Nothing feels better than looking at Hitler in a Robotic suit, and blasting his sinful ass straight down to video game hell.

Although there are times that I get bored of cooking, I also get bored of video games too. It's in our nature as human beings to find excitement in different things. Whether it be extreme sports, baking, exercising, cocaine, etc. I mean, sure it's fun as heck to play something with friends and strangers alike, blowing up each other to smithereens but sometimes, it loses its flare. Sometimes, you just want to relax, maybe sleep for 12 hours and go for a beer outside in the cold. Not saying I just did any of that, well I did, but still. It's just that whenever you feel like you're done, there really isn't anything more to do at the moment, stop. Just stop everything you're doing. Drop the remote, let go of your penis, whatever it is you're doing, stop and think. Let your mind flow without interruption. Find a point where your whole body is calm and stay there. Then ask yourself, "What is it that I love?" If that doesn't get you thinking, you're a soulless asshole and you eat babies.

I'm not saying that you should become some jerk dick hippy and rant on about nirvana, I'm saying that you should take time and do the things you love to do. Whether you do it as a career or hobby, let it out more. Make it known. If you're interest is rape, then, well.....uhh. Call the cops on yourself or something. Do something good for yourself for a change. Stop thinking about what you need to do and start thinking of what you want to do. Sure, everyone has responsibilities and things they need to accomplish, and of course you can't always get what you want. If you wanted to become an owner of a jumbo jet, well, you're shit out of luck unless you can rap. And maybe have several women who are willing to pose half naked in your videos. Then, maybe then, you'll afford to eat a McChicken 500 miles in the air. On a hooker. Naked.

Okay, I went off topic a bit but the whole point I'm getting at with this blog, if there is one, is that you shouldn't be afraid to do what you want for a change. Not many people get to experience a career or a job that has anything to do with your interests. Usually, you go for a good paying job and you stick with it. Sometimes your have your hobby being the thing that you hold close to your heart. Which is not a bad thing but ask yourself if you could turn a hobby into a life long career. If the answer is yes, cancel your porn torrents, turn off the boob tube, and go do it. Just go. No one is waiting on you to do anything different. Only you can change, and not even Master Chief can do anything about it.


  1. So i had a really long funny post but then the page reset on me so your stuck with this one. I think i said something about naming your dishes after video games or pornstars. and then telling you to consider video logs. just cause i lost place while reading ....but trust me it was much funnier the first time

  2. Hahaha, oh you. I have considered the naming part but as for video logs, that will have to wait until I have the proper equipment, but it will happen sooner or later ;). Thanks again though lol.

  3. So uh JP good God that was so long but as far as I got in before I started to zone out and started to wonder about what your twisted mind would do would Nazi women in a video game, I do like the eloquence of this. Compared to your usualy nonsensical Bobcat-like rantings this was a thing of beauty.
