So I had a post prior to this one about a certain misdeed I have done. I left my job, made people hate me, and slowly became the focal point of all assholes. How I managed to achieve this all is beyond me, especially after trying to get a damn point across. Then I realized. How the hell does someone so thick headed, live so blindly? I began to work out this equation in my head over and over. Thinking to myself, not once have I bad mouthed anything other than the poor work ethic that was combined with power abuse ( I mean seriously, instead of solving a problem, why don't we just crack down on it? /end sarcasm). I know I might not be the most lovable of people in the world, nor am I a saint in any shape or form. If I could eat babies I would, and breathing fire is what I do. In fact, I am an asshole. But not without reason. I don't blatantly commit jerk ass acts out of the blue just to piss off and annoy. I need to be driven to a point where reason gets thrown out, and fuck face JP comes out. I was driven to this point, and I'll tell you why in a few paragraphs. Oh and that special little reader, you know who you are, instead of your cohort outright threatening me about this blog, and giving me an ultimatum, try wrapping your head around this - There isn't anything you can write about me that I haven't written myself. You want to tell the world how lousy of a cook I am? It's a lie. I worked like a slave while I was physically and mentally dying, just so you can sleep easier at night. Bitch move? No, it's the truth, you spoon fed retard.
Now I can be assured that I might be getting myself into more trouble than I'm asking. I could care less. I have nothing to offer other than my opinion, and maybe a stack of POGs. I have absolutely nothing, against my workplaces, and usually nothing against the people in them. But it sure as hell takes a big fucking effort to piss me off to the point of walking out. I don't just leave. If you've realized, I worked every single day, rain or shine, even though I was put in a 40+ degree kitchen, without stock or any form of regulation amongst the kitchen staff. Call me a liar, you know it's damn true. And before you get your panties in a bunch and begin to harass me once again, read my words carefully. YOU ARE NOT PERFECT, NOR AM I. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND REALIZE THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN BITCHING ABOUT WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN.
People really annoy me. It seems that in order to get a point across, you need to kill someone or blow something up. I sure as hell know that what I did wasn't the smartest motive, or the most efficient way of dealing with anything. But I was angry, very angry. You don't understand how. Being nice to me doesn't justify not having a fucking damn thing to do at work. It's your money, you stupid silly people. You call my actions childish, you brand me as a pathetic, undignified human being, yet you turn around and bite your own damn tongue. If you were so much better than me, then you would have realized the damn place would have been fine without me. Ask the other guys to cook. No? Didn't think about that did you? Best possible choice was to shut everything down and put the blame on my head. Smart move dick cheese, only one simple thing to realize. I couldn't give a rat's ass.
I've always been one to commit myself to my workplace no matter what. Regardless if my boss was a dick or they abused me in some shape or form. In this scenario,it was more difficult. My bosses were nice to me, to an extent. Sure they had the manners of a doorknob, and the culinary know how of felt, but they still treated me fairly nice. Aside from the times when my check would bounce, or when I didn't have an ounce of produce to cook with, or when the morning staff would leave me to clean everything up, or when I was told to fix something that wasn't directly associated with me, or when I would come in on Mondays to help clean the restaurant free of charge, or when I was promised better pay and never seen that come to light, or when I had to work double shifts back to back because they couldn't find a cook for almost two months ( during chemo mind you), or when I had to work my shift even though my mother had a heart attack, or when I was yelled at repeatedly for mistakes my boss couldn't admit to, or when I was told to be creative, yet have a limitation on my creativity, or when I fed the entire management's family countless times, without hearing a hello, thank you or a direct comment/compliment/complaint, hearing it always from a second party.
Yeah, they were nice to me. But aside all that niceness, I- like the many other staff who feel the same- was just a pawn, ready to be moved wherever they wanted me to. And that's justifiable seeing as its not my own place. But to say you were nothing but nice to me, treating me as an equal, is just horse shit. I know I'm not the only one who put blood sweat and tears into that place. But don't you dare for one second tarnish my name and say that what my actions were that day speaks about my character. You know absolutely nothing about me and I you. Only from what we've seen with our work experiences together. So wipe that smirk off your damn face, re-read all the bullshit you've talked and wrap your head around the fact that it wasn't just me who supposedly ruined the dinner service. Your perfect self, and the craftsmanship of your counterparts slowly tore it down, with me taking the heat. I don't mind. I couldn't care less. Let me be the black sheep. But don't ever for one second think that I would ever stand for someone calling me the amount of shit you have. You're dead to me. I don't want anything to do with the lot of you, despite our fair times and laughs, you decide to throw our reason and fall onto hate, like I did. You know what that means right? We're just never going to see eye to eye.
So take your pride with you. Take your views of dignity, selflessness and fair. Label me an outcast, and say what you want about my absence. Just know that I put as much effort as everyone there, if not more so, and I wanted nothing but the best, but by simply showing me that your actions deemed otherwise, despite how many hundreds of thousands you've put into the damn place, you didn't know how to run a dinner service. Plain and simple. Fight me all you want, your thick skull needs to come to terms sooner than later. If your dinner service was so successful, why is it that not one dinner chef has remained in good light there? We may all seem like assholes, but in perspective, you my dear friends, are the assholes. I don't care what you do with this blog entry, or how you view it. It's my word, what I feel and what I know. I don't care if no one else will speak their mind about you, but I know that I do not stand alone in this. Once again, I do care for the staff and all those who busted their ass so that your house can have it's luxurious central air, and you can buy that plane ticket to butt fuck nowhere, and my leaving did not cause their job loss. If you cared about their situation so much, next time instead of reassuring me, try and talk to me. I don't care about barbeque sauce or that we ran out of chicken, I want to know how you're going to fix this. But frankly my dear, you didn't give a damn. So fuck you.
ReplyDeleteWho are you lol. SECOND TIME!
ReplyDeleteHey man,
ReplyDeleteOne of my buddies sent me yo blog, said it was fucking I had a read. It seems you're pretty angry man, but also you seem like kind of a dick.
Well that doesn't really go far enough, you seem like a completely dysfunctional human being. I'm happy that I never ate at this place while you were cooking there! You sound like the kind of guy who would spit in my food if I sent it back. From what you've said it seems like all you wanted was a few more pats on the head or personal 'hello' from the owners family? I mean grow up dude! It's a workplace not a nursery for your ego...talking of which - For a dude who looks 10 years old, you've certainly developed a chef sized ego. So they fired you, I understand that must be hard for you, but move on...actually move on. Don't just write inflammatory remarks hoping for a reaction.
'It seems that in order to get a point across, you need to kill someone or blow something up' - This doesn't strike me as the most rational of comments - Is this really something you believe? I would think that a better way to make a point is to be clear and rational - neither of which this blog post is.
'You call my actions childish' -Judging from what you've written above I'd say they were spot on.
'you brand me as a pathetic, undignified human being' -Your comments above pretty much confirms that is the case.
'I couldn't give a rat's ass. '- So you blog about it...
'I don't mind. I couldn't care less' So you said before...Who are you trying to convince,us or yourself?
'I don't want anything to do with the lot of you'- No - But you do want them to know just how much they've hurt your feelings...and how hard your doin it...but that your a 'fighter' and totally tough enough to make it out there. And if you hit a speed bump, that you'll just put on your headphones, play some mettle and no-one will bother you cos you look like a retard.
For a guy who is supposed to be into food, you choose a weird medium on which to have your tantrum. What would any future employer think if they were to read this? That you are a level headed, promising employee? No - They'd think you were nothing more than a child prone to having tantrums...and no-one wants to have that guy on their roster.
You must feel really dignified writing that entire comment filled with pent up boy rage against me, mister 'Anonymous'. I'm glad you wrote down all the things you felt wrong with my blog, and I'm pretty sure you don't know anything about the situation and that's completely fine. Aside from the fact that you're related to this current subject in some way or another, and simply typing up a storm of hate against said blog, for reasons unknown. I hope your come back, and read my blog, because to me it's completely obvious you didn't read my blog but this specific entry.
ReplyDeleteGo home, turn your computer on, read my blog for real this time and kill yourself. No really, kill yourself. Aside from your retarded view on me, and somehow I have the identity of a 10 year old with a full grown beard and chest hair, you know nothing. You think I'm the type of person who would spit in someone's food, and I listen to 'mettle', ( great spelling by the way!), shows that your insight is that of a peanut. Maybe if you took the time to actually grasp anything, and put aside the obvious hate that I have spewed all over the keyboard, you would understand that I was hurt with all of this.
Also there's the whole fact that this is my personal blog, and by it being personal, everything written inside these sacred pages are the truth, as seen through my eyes, but still truth. I'm not one to judge anyone blindly, or to create a false impression of anything. So let me boil it all down to the exact way you did, by criticizing my post, and I shall do the same with your pathetic excuse of a comment. If you could even call it that.
- You call me a dysfunctional human being, something you're probably not familiar with, and I'm impressed you spelled it correctly, seeing as you could barely muster up a proper paragraph. Never once have I said I was the image of a perfect being. I could even label myself as crazy. But dysfunctional? Out of bounds. And as far as the pats on the head goes, you're retarded. Nowhere did I say that all I was looking for was appreciation. If you actually read the damn thing, and didn't comment on it because you heard it through the grapevine, you would realize the cause of my absence and why I left the unorganized mess they called work.
Then you take a sarcastic comment of mine, 'It seems that in order to get a point across, you need to kill someone or blow something up' , and take it into literal terms. You senile twat, I feel for your family if you actually had one capable to handle your idiocy. Once again you point out rationality, something I couldn't give a shit about, and clearly threw out the window as these actions were made. Again, read the damn blog.
And with the whole rat's ass and couldn't care less parts, READ THE FUCKING BLOG YOU DUMB FUCK. Jesus Christ, it's not you that gets me angry, it's the fact that someone actually thought that this would be considered payback, or some form of comeback to my supposed 'attack' on the Homeway. Listen, there is something stopping me from finding out who you really are and killing you, because you're a child and you need to die. Nowhere on this planet is there actually a place where you can coexist with people, because your stupidity is out of bounds. Unfortunately, killing is seen as a crime in our society, and by committing this crime, I would be put in jail. Something I don't think you deserve. Death that is.
ReplyDeleteThen you say I have a chef-sized ego, something you must be familiar with, especially if you've known Mike. Seeing as you're familiar with most of my habits, and you probably know me first hand, I'd like to apologize. I'd like to apologize for knowing you. Somehow, somewhere, I know you, and you're probably just as useless as this comment you've made. I can clearly see that you've eked your way through life, only seeing the artificial point of view. Until you actually grow yourself a pair, and actually tell me who you are, ( which for the matter, I don't care if you do or don't, just speaks for your character, hiding behind anonymity), then your comment is about as useful as a bum knee.
And finally, your piece du resistance, the grandiose paragraph in which you say that my blog, which I have clearly said is a personal one entailed with experiences and other sorts in my life, is a weird medium for me to have my supposed tantrum. Call this post what you like, I can safely say that I was upset writing it but in no way do I feel different about it. I stand by it in all forms, and if you actually grasp anything I've said so far, you probably ( or probably not) understand that you're fucking retarded and don't deserve to live another day. People around the world are dying because of people like you who contaminate our air, and actually believe that they've made a difference in this world. Let me tell you something, that you should take to your grave. Don't quit your day job. Oh wait, you no longer have one. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteThis is a different Anonymous than the person who wrote before. I stumbled on to this blog a few weeks ago, and there were some interesting blog entries...... but the last few entries have been disturbing. Clearly you are really falling apart. It's not really what I would call funny or entertaining, just negative empty hot air. I think you should wait until you have something to say before you write your next "rant."
On top of this, what caught my attention in one of the previous blog entries is how you refer to your x-girlfriend as a cunt. That is pretty disrespectful, and not the kind of extremely negative personal detail I would expect to find on a supposed food blog. I don't know the back story here, maybe she hurt your feelings in the past, maybe you had a bad break-up, but as a woman I find your whole entry extremely disturbing. Yes you have freedom of speech, but why waste your breath? And even if you are joking and being sarcastic, talking about killing people isn't funny.
I'm sure you are a great guy in real life, but if you make statements like that you're going to make other people angry too.
Maybe you should change this blog to something else, as someone just reading over it for the first time, and not personally knowing you, I guess I can't judge, but that's what happens when you "air your dirty laundry for the world to see."
Take a deep breath and relax, before you blow a blood vessel.
Concerned Reader
Dear 'Concerned Reader',
ReplyDeleteYour comment is much appreciated as it's clearly much more thought out than the horse shit the other guy wrote. But once again, you point out certain 'flaws' that you yourself counter attacked. Such as the freedom of speech bit. That should have ended your sentence but you carried on, not thinking. And for the record, nowhere in any of my blog entries did I say that my blog was supposedly comedy oriented, or anything of that sort. This was the more personal blog entry, and I don't care if anyone doesn't understand it personally. I wrote it as a vent on my own part, something I prefer to do, otherwise I would pent up all of my anger inside like everyone else. There are ways to deal with anger, and this is mine. If you don't feel comfortable with that, don't read. Simple as that. I'm not trying to impress anyone, or to make people think of me as some kind of rebel king or outlandish asshole. I wrote this blog to record my life, as it says on the top, and not just about food. My life revolves around food, and the things that happen few and far in between will be recorded.
About all the other stuff you've said, the whole point of my rant is to let out the anger. If I waited, I wouldn't have a rant now would I? It would be an organized message, something that wouldn't appeal to me. As I said before, this blog is for me. Not for anyone else. I simply share it because people have asked me to. I don't care about the negative comments about my blog, especially when they're generalized to a certain post because no one has anything better to do, because it doesn't matter. I will keep writing. I will keep doing what I do. I will keep cooking. No one can stop me, no one will stop me. I've been threatened countless times for putting this entry up and it doesn't matter. What bad can be written about me, honestly? That I'm an asshole and I write bad stuff about people who did wrong to me? That I sound like a childish, nonsensical twat, wanting to rampage on the world? Oh big whoop. Maybe if we all didn't focus on how I could be a nicer person and justify anything I've said, you can all stop mustering up the pathetic courage you're trying to, and stop trying to bring me down. Because lord knows, it's not going to work.
So I challenge you, Anonymous group of children, that you should create a blog yourself, and write about me. Write about all the bad, the nasty and the anger towards me. And for once, please, one of you fucking dumb asses, take your own damn advice for once and stop giving it to me, you sound foolish.
'Maybe you should change this blog to something else, as someone just reading over it for the first time, and not personally knowing you, I guess I can't judge'
You stupid, fucking twat you just contradicted your entire comment. Go drink your milk and read something else for that matter. Something that relates to your mindset, like Teen magazine or something.
ReplyDeleteHerez a tip for all you argumentitive fools, make you posts short and you won't sound like fucking dumb-asses all of you bitches, gay blog dude.
ReplyDeleteThis is the second anonymous again. It's funny how you pick apart my response like some kind of intellectual, and when it comes to "well thought out-" you don't even come close. You should stop making a mockery of the English language.
Secondly, the only thing you didn't address is your disrespectful attitude towards women and your use of the word "cunt." Followed by some strange stuff about you having a boner and "don't worry ladies, I took care of it watching some porn." ????? We were not worried, that's for sure.
Venting anger is healthy, yes, it's true, but is the best way to do that sharing self-loathing masturbation stories?..... (I'm like a rabbit) or fantasizing about what a bitch some x-girlfriend is? It just seems weird. Maybe this is your art form? your release, but really guy, go make some brownies.
Concerned Reader
(or stupid fucking twat)
(whatever floats your little boat.)
Now now guys, we should all do a group hug and rub our penises together.
ReplyDeleteSo by your advice I should change my ways to appeal to you, the 'Concerned Reader'. Well there shouldn't really be anything more going on because you're too thick headed to understand that this is my blog, and once again you didn't read a goddamn thing I've typed. I don't need this to go any further because arguing with you is like yelling at a wall. Go bug someone else, you annoying fly. If you don't like my blog, don't read it. I don't profit either way so do me and everyone else a favor and take your concerning somewhere else. And take your pathetic views as well. You mean nothing, you never will and you amount to nothing. I will change nothing, and do as I see fit. Call me whatever you like, you're the one coming back to my blog. Fucker.
ReplyDeleteyou tell them jp... to know you is to love you... these people dont have anything better to do then judge judge judge. its funy to me how people take what others say so to heart.... if it bugs you that much go read perez hilton or something. vent jp vent !! love u ! its me Carolina.... a woman
ReplyDeleteI was about to forget all about you, and your little "self pity diary,"
Then I read "Woman - The inside story of the female kind told by some dick egotistical masocist motherfucker. And me."
The fact that you so often go back to these pathetic ramblings about what a woman is, just blows my mind.
I guess the sad truth of the matter is that you are in dire need of some love and affection.
Let me give you a tip,
Your not going to get it by ranting about women being dumb sluts. I am actually curious to know why you would write that and put your name on it for the world to see. I won't go through and give quotes from the article, it is as badly written as it is self pitying.
Clearly you don't know anything about women.
Whoever you are buddy, take my advice, drop the negative/tough guy/ chronic masturbatory character and find something new.
I guess now you'll say that you don't really believe what you wrote, and that is was written with a joking tone, well here's a joke, see if you like it:
Fuck you, you fat cunt.
Concerned reader
Ohhhhh...... Hell has no fury like a woman scorned!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't stop laughing, don't really have much to say other than you keep coming back, and giving me more blog views. Thank you, please keep the whole charade up, you're doing me a much bigger favor than anyone else. Also, I'm not as retarded as you and take what others say to heart. Hence why I'm an asshole and you're still concerned. Thanks for reading!
ReplyDeleteDear Concerned Reader,
ReplyDeleteI'm not quite sure why you feel this need to come here and bitch about dear Mr. Fatass and his clearly acceptable views on women and how they need beat, but perhaps you should take up a new hobby? I figure somebody who has so much time to show such concern probably has even more time to do something better like play in traffic.
I respect that you might have a different opinion on things(unless you're a woman, then you don't have on anyways!) but this sort of thing is clearly childish at it's core. We all need places to vent out our anger and frustration and while I'm sure there's some things Mr. Fatass could say better, he's pretty much entitled to say whatever he pleases since it's his blog.
Now, I demand a group hug with penis rubbing you faggots.
IRC reader
ReplyDeleteMarry me, Mr Hickson.
ReplyDeleteNew Anonymous here,
ReplyDeleteYou need to chill. Potentially even go to talk to someone about something called manic depression (aka bi-polar disorder). You seem like a cool dude, and your a fantastic writer - however from your blog it's pretty obvious that you have some issues that you need work out. This blog is more about your wildly fluctuating emotions then anything else ... why not combine your cooking and writing talents to give your readers something new and interesting like Alton Brown or Anthony Bourdain?
Your a good writer, and properly funny on top of that. As a result i cant help but see this entry as a sad, if not pathetic expression of self-pity and arrogance. If you think you did the right thing walking out of your job, you shouldn't need to justify it (obviously to your co-workers/boss who are surely reading this blog). I'm not trying to disregard your feelings or opinions - but it sounds like what you went through at that place is pretty normal. Jobs are meant to be difficult, and responsibility (like being a chef) is meant to make that even more difficult. That is as true in the restaurant business, as it is in basically any other industry.
I hope you read this as advice from someone who wishes you all the best - attacking your reader's opinions when you are so open with your own, is both hypocritical and juvenile.
Drop the grudge and the bad feelings. But keep writting/cooking. You have potential and talent - use it.
Why is everyone telling him how to write his blog? He can do whatever he wants and if he felt the need to blurt out in a rage of shitstorming then let him. if you don't like it, don't read, simple as that. and its clearly obvious the other anonymous guys.are the same person or knows each other because it looks like he struck home with this if it got this much attention. keep doing what you're doing bro.
ReplyDeleteI'm JP's big/little sister(older/wiser/shorter/still wiser)
I would like to start off by making a short but sincere statement...
There is a difference between passion and paycheck.
That said, if you're more worried about your paycheck, get the fuck off my brothers blog. Plain and simple. Continue with your mediocre lives of tradition and brainwash.
If you are a passionate person, that regards their life with extremity rather than brag about skipping fourth period... You would know where this rage comes from, because that would make you a certified adult.
JP has got a career ahead of him, he's going to continue to fight all that stand in his way. Nothing/noone can deter his motives. I know my brother better than all of you. I saw what he had endured during his chemo and none of you could ever fathom what it's like to have cancer, until you actually have it! And I would never wish that upon anybody.
My brother is -inFAMOUS reference- Cole MacGrath!
As my sister in-law had said earlier "to know you is to love you". There is no medium. Just like myself, you either love us or hate us. That makes us more special than you.
I am hungover. Happy birthday again JP, keep writing. Your ex girlfriend was a cunt. She will always be a cunt for the way she handled things. She didn't deserve that iPod. You were a shmuck in love, I never understood what you saw in her. She was great at tracing pictures, but unfortunately you need to have a creative mind to be artistic... I'll stand by you when no one else will. I'll even snipe out your enemies for you just give me the coordinates.
There's more like him. So keep the comments coming. It only builds his character, that I assure you.
Regrettably yours;
hey jp i dont think you should be expelling so much energy because of this.
ReplyDeletelet shit go.
older you.
Green is a good colour.
ReplyDeleteListen to the colour JP.
But not all of them 'cause then you're fucked - Hypothetically speaking.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm sorry. I'll stop. But I'm sort of wired now.
Yeah- no, nothing.
Oh JP!
And Happy Bir-NO! Blessed Earthstrong!! <-- sounds so much more compelling! No??
ReplyDeleteI love all you guys, even the impotent retards trying to get under my skin. I don't lose sleep over this because I know exactly who you are and to say that you care about me yet write a hurtful comment is nothing shy of worthless. You could have had constructive criticism, yet you went down the path of being an absolute fucking retard, and I don't blame you. It's not easy to look up to someone younger than you, and older by a few years ( to the other anonymous guy). Please, for your own sake, stop your childish ways, because it's just making you look more and more like an idiot, and everyone at the Homeway isn't going to care about any of this in a few weeks anyways. Also, I hope you guys had fun last night, wishing Antoniy all the best.
ReplyDeleteOh and if you were actually a friend, or cared for that matter, you wouldn't be hiding being anonymity, so please, bite your tongue. You're still a child, girl.
this is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteJP, when I was informed about this post, I ignored it. It was not worth my time trying to argue with your delusional assertions. Frankly, I don’t care if you want to sit at your computer and make yourself look stupid. Was I angry? No, I pitied you. While I can see why someone of your apparently inferior perceptive capabilities might assume I care enough to write ‘anonymous’ posts, you are very much mistaken.
ReplyDeleteMy advice to you: Grow the up and accept that there are other people who disagree with you. You can't just call everyone who disagrees with you a retard. You post objectionable material on your site, people write things you might not want to hear. That’s what happens when you put a ridiculous rant on a public page. Whether the comments were written by friends, staff or ex-staff, I do not know, but I felt the need to make it clear that I had no part in it. I had no intention of dignifying that post with a response. It is full of gross exaggerations and lies and you know it. It’s ridiculous to accuse me of something just because you can’t handle the fact that other people have negative things to say to you.
Continue writing your poorly written rants if it makes you feel better, but don’t be so pigheaded to assume that anyone who objects to your disturbing rants is me. Go ahead and accuse me of ‘trying to bring you down’, but I have absolutely no intention of doing so. In fact, you’re doing a fine job of bringing yourself down. Take the advice of the above ‘anonymous’ and get some help, because you are clearly not in a good place.
Do I think you’re a bad person? No, but I think you’re being extraordinarily immature. Do I think you are a talented cook? Sure. And I’m sure you will have a great career in the restaurant industry as long as you come to terms with your own shortcomings and work on improving them rather than putting the blame on someone else all the time. You’re right, neither of us are perfect, but I never claimed to be and I never tried to blame my own imperfections on you.
I hope you begin to learn from your mistakes and move forward, like the rest of the adult population.
All right, to clarify EVERYTHING that has been going on far too long, and you guys just simply cannot fathom the fact that this is my blog, and this is a simple entry. ONE FUCKING ENTRY. I already gotten past the whole ordeal, never once mentioning it again in anything else I've said thus far. But because people other than myself cannot move on themselves and harp on what was, saying that I am childish to write such a 'poorly written rant' don't realize that this was the only damn rant I've wrote about the place and the only one I will ever write because it's all been summed up into it. Of course, no one likes to hear negativity and I am not exempt from that. But once again, this is MY blog. Everything written in here are from my view, and if I say it's the truth, it's the truth through MY eyes.
ReplyDeleteWhether anyone cares to agree or disagree with me, that's your own judgement. Do what you will, but when you begin to attack me through comments, you're going to get attacked back. Because I retaliated against comments towards me, I'm considered a fool? I don't need to grow up, maybe you guys need to open your damn eyes and see that nothing is in fact perfect. I don't expect royal treatment at my workplace, I expect a goddamn workplace. I never once said that you guys mistreated me, I said that you guys didn't give a shit about dinner service, which you clearly didn't. If you had the intention to have a successful dinner service, you wouldn't have closed it down. You had another cook who was more than capable and a server who worked several shifts. Don't tell me that I brought anyone down because I didn't, only myself.
I don't need to clarify much else because there really isn't any more. I stand by what I wrote, and hopefully will continue to find myself in this industry. Whether people like me or don't I'm the same damn person I always was, I don't care if you pitied me, in fact, I never thought anything of you. I thought we were friends, but it's clear as day that we aren't. I know I've pissed people off and like I said, I live by it. Move on yourself, this post isn't going anywhere. Also, never once did I say it was you so get your head out of your ass.
And if you come back to read this, tell your mother to read her email, since you yourself told me not to message you ever again. It's urgent, and important. And nothing to be overlooked. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to take this post to say that I've got an erection that could pierce the moon right now.