Sunday, July 17, 2011

You're beautiful just the way you are. Especially after 6 beers and 2 Jagerbombs.

Man. Did my liver take a hit the last few weeks. Especially after chemotherapy, most people would think I would have calmed down a bit, maybe take some time off. The answer is a definite no. I work hard and I drank hard. I played a little hard too but I turned the difficulty down a tad. Castlevania is a bitch. But honestly what do you expect? I'm still young, and if my disease was a definite threat, I would have still taken the same path I chose. There isn't any time in life to play it safe really. Enjoy every little bit as much as you can, even if it means spending the entire day at home jerking your shaft to mediocre looking women riding wall installed dildos. Not saying I did, or didn't. You never know. Life is full of surprises, and to be honest if I found out my cancer came back, which is most likely could, I would do it all over again. My body was made to fucking rock shit, and I won't deprive it of such a duty. I am a machine. I'm a fucking awesome cook, I love to have a good time and I cherish my friends. And after all that sappy whole hearted goodness, I pretend to kill people with video games. Woo.

I have plans, which most likely need a lot more thinking through to accomplish. Hopefully soon I plan to get my ass out and live on my own, get a damn car and open something on my own. Considering most of that needs a lot of money I don't have, I'm pretty much fucked until then. Great. No rush though, I like to take things nice and slow, like the sex I don't have. Honestly though, I like to work. It might drive me crazy and probably put a nice big fat barrier between me and whatever social life I have left, but it makes me feel useful. Especially when people rely on me. Man is that awesome. Who in their right fucking mind would rely on me. I'm the most unreliable mother fucker this side of Jane and Finch.

Okay maybe not, I'm pretty good. Whenever I feel too much pressure however, I don't crack like most. I just take time to myself and think. I was given an amazing gift of reason, don't know from whom because both my parents threw reason out the window when they had me. I guess you can say I'm a stand up guy. I'll go the distance, do whatever it takes to make everyone around me happy, and make myself feel a little better every day. Wish sunshine. And lollipops. Also guns. Fuck I want to play a shooting game, too bad they're so damn boring after 15 minutes. I haven't played my ps3 or 360 in over 7 months. Holy shit. Talk about money well wasted. Nothing better to fill in that spot on the floor than a dusty ass half assed video game console.

Really though, I want to start my future as soon as I can. I've already set aside some time to plan, and money for said plans. Hopefully in the next year or so I'll see some production soon. Just gotta relax though, been having too much time out in the last few weeks. Spent too much cash on things that made me happy for several hours. Also, strange looking hot chick on the finch bus that I fell asleep on, if you're reading this, you have very comfortable shoulders. You just need to get that smell checked out, you fucking rat. Give me some time folks, and we'll soon be having a plethora of JP's fine eats just around the corner. If that's not a hint, go kill yourself. Okay seriously though, keep the support, and I promise a nice mobile meal for you. Didn't get the hint? Seriously, kill yourself.


  1. Again, you left me in stitches! I thought you couldn't top the "Woman - inside story" post, but damn. You're inspiring! And disturbingly honest.

  2. loved it. you always make me laugh and also make me curious cause you're so fucking weird. keep it coming.

  3. *bows generously* Thank you, thank you. Too kind.
